Waiting for husband

People say that love makes you crazy, and married life tops it all. Waiting for husband is the most crazy part and you go through hell lot of emotions, while waiting for them. I can not tell about others, but my waiting goes from,

  • love to frustration,
  • Frustration to anger
  • Anger to love

I know sounds like a psychotic episode, but that’s exactly what happens with me and no I am not crazy (you sure are a crazy , how come you guys can entertain a thought like that) . My poor husband too wonders at times, like you guys but then he is smart enough to hid it well behind his, make you weak in the knees smile .

So he has this habit of texting me before leaving for home. Though it will be 7 years of married life this December, I still get excited at the prospect of seeing him (I can hear y’all murmuring “what is there to be so excited about, you live with him”). Answer to that question “love has no expiry date” , I know, I know, impressive right !!!

So I like to prepare dinner before he comes home or finish any work, so that we can sit together and discuss our day. After finishing everything, clock checking starts, and my moods start fluctuating every half an hour . It starts with love and how much is he doing for us, his family and his nation. Half an hour goes by and thoughts like these turn to,

  • What the hell , he is always late .
  • I don’t know why he works so much .
  • What the use of even messaging that “I am coming home” .
  • He always does that .

Half an hour more and the frustration intensifies to

  • Why do I wait for him .
  • He takes me for granted always .
  • I won’t talk to him
  • He always does that .

But half an hour more and my thoughts turn to

  • But he is working so hard for us
  • If I won’t then who will understand him
  • Someone has to do the job

So on and so forth . While I will be lost in my thoughts, my doggo would start jumping and tail wagging like a maniac (sure sign that his car is in driveway) . And just like that my anger vanishes in thin air and like an idiot I smile and open the door .

And as I finished my writing, he entered the house, it’s total chaos right now, both the babies jumping , he tickling our daughter and trying to put his bag down . What did you say “I was angry” ?? You must be joking , my man is back home after a long hard day at work .

Love is not sane and never it will be !!!

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